Arnaud's Creole Mustard
Arnaud's Creole Mustard is a zesty Creole mustard perfect for adding a unique taste and a lot of flavor to your favorite sandwiches or New Orleans po-boys.
In 1918, a colorful French wine salesman named Count (as he came to be called, without any bona fide claim to the title) Arnaud Cazenave opened the grand restaurant that bears his name, Arnaud's. The following commentary is the Count's "Philosophy of Dining," which has appeared on the back of Arnaud's menu in the New Orleans French Quarter since he expressed his sentiments. "Americans are prone to forget, in the ultra-rapidity and super-activity of modern life, trying to crowd eighty seconds of toil into a minute's time, that eating should be a pleasure, not a task to get over with in a hurry. A dinner chosen according to one's needs, tastes, and moods, well prepared and well served, is a joy to all senses and an impelling incentive to sound sleep, good health, and long life. Therefore, at least once a day, preferably in the quiet cool of the evening, one should throw all care to the winds, relax completely, and dine leisurely and well."